
Being green is okay. But being 'good' is better.

Green. The word of this century. We are green, they are green, everyone is green. Green. It's so easy to use: 'Of course, we too are green.' Look how easy that is. But what about being 'good'? What about doing 'right'?

The new meaning of less is more

Bim&Beyond is not concerned with sustainability in order to be green. We do this because it is 'good'. For Bim&Beyond, a green building is a 'good' building. A beautiful building that is solid, comfortable and elegant. A building that goes beyond a Dubo-score. A 'good' building is not limited to 'green' solutions that are less bad. This is no longer sufficient and a different way of thinking is now needed.

It is not the energy problem but the shortage of raw materials that will become our main environmental problem. We have enough energy; we have the sun and we live on a crust full of possibilities. All we have to do is use the technical possibilities that already exist. However, according to Bim&Beyond, 'Less is more' takes on a new meaning. No more excessive use of materials, but efficient use of scarce resources. But also investing in a good and reusable shell and a building with architectural quality for now and for the future.

"It's not easy being green" (Kermit)